Born from the idea of some young researchers, the company provides innovative consulting services in the field of geological-environmental analysis and monitoring, and numerical cartography.
Geoscape’s ambition is to export territorial analysis methodologies outside the academic sphere, in order to propose effective and sustainable solutions to geological-environmental problems, from a holistic, integrated and multidisciplinary approach.
Geoscape soc. coop. is a university spin-off of the University of Genoa since 24/10/2018, and a registered “innovative Start Up” in the Genoa Chamber of Commerce (Camera di Commercio) since 04/03/2019.

Luigi Mucerino
President GeoScape, PhD in Earth Sciences
Luca Carpi
Hydrologist, PhD in Earth Sciences
Claudia Scopesi
Naturalist, PhD in Earth Sciences.
Giacomino Pepe
Geologist, Researcher (RTD), PhD in Earth Sciences.
Andrea Mandarino
Naturalist, PhD in Earth Sciences
Alice Oprandi
Ecologist, PhD in Marine Sciences
Emanuele Raso
Geologist, PhD in Earth Sciences.
Marco Ferrari
Associate Professor of Coastal Management and Geomorphology